Safeguard Your Business Bank Accounts

Actions you can take to help prevent fraud on your bank accounts.

The recent rise in fraud makes it critically important to become familiar with the actions you can take to protect yourself and your business from scams. At First Heritage we care about you and your business; that's why we've compiled a list of tips and services you can use to keep your accounts safe.

Positive Pay Guards Against Check Fraud

With Positive Pay you can make well informed decisions about suspicious check activity:

  • You upload a file containing issued check data so the Bank can compare checks presented for payment against the list of checks you provided.
  • If a check that isn’t on the list appears, it is considered potentially fraudulent and is sent to you as an exception for examination. You then direct the Bank to pay or not to pay the check in the Positive Pay system.

Follow These E-Mail Best Practices

When responding to an email from a vendor or employee asking to change account information, adopt these best practices:

  • Be aware of online scams like Vishing, Phishing and Smishing that target using digital channels
  • Don’t click on any links or open any attachments from persons you aren’t familiar with.
  • Don't accept email, address or telephone number changes by phone or email, if you do...
  • Place a call back verification to the authorized person using the telephone number you have on record
  • Request a verification in writing signed by the person authorized to make the change
  • Send a confirmation letter to the person who is authorized to confirm the changes that were requested.

Start Using a Digital Wallet

Cards are safer than carrying cash. Even your First Heritage debit card in Apple Pay®, Samsung Pay® or Google Pay® and pay behind the security of your smartphone.

When your card is linked to a mobile wallet, your information is encrypted and your actual card number is not transmitted. The merchant never sees or stores your data during a transaction.

To gain access to the cards in your mobile wallet, a PIN, fingerprint or face scan is required.

Stay Safe With These Security Tips

  • You can take proactive steps to keep your financial data secure by following these tips:
  • Maintain systems and physical security protocols
  • Secure all bank account information, and properly destroy banking documentation
  • Do not share sensitive, personal information about yourself, family or friends online
  • Check your account daily in online banking for unusual activity

Use Our Digital Banking Suite

Our Digital Banking Suite brings you digital convenience and enhanced multi-factor security, so you can bank confidently, anywhere, anytime. By using our Digital Banking Suite you can have account security in the palm of your hand.

Some of the security features you'll have are:

  • Check your account daily for unusual and fraudulent activity.
  • Set up Multi-Factor Identification to secure your accounts! With Multi-Factor ID you receive a notification anytime someone tries to login to your account. This way your account is protected even if scammers get your password.
  • Suspend, cancel and reactivate your card on-the-spot with advanced card management.
  • Set up balance, transaction and merchant alerts to monitor your account activity.
  • Send a secure message to a Bank representative while viewing your transaction details.